Posted by: Laura | December 20, 2007

Laura’s Christmas Gift to Herself

I’ve made a resolution…not because it’s New Years but I just feel it’s time that I make the decision to do this.

Of late I’ve been knitting a lot for other people. And it’s own my own accord so it’s not like I’m complaining. After a couple bad experiences, I make it a point NOT to knit for someone if I know it wouldn’t get appreciated. I’m knitting socks for my loved ones and I know they’ll treasure it.

But what about me?? I’m making socks for my bestest buddies but here I am, a diabetic, with very cold feet even on a metro with the heat pumping hard.

So. After Christmas knitting is complete, I’m making a resolution to ALWAYS have something on the needles for moi.

To start remembering me, as I was purchasing items for a swap and one of my other knitting buddies, Dawn, I remembered that I want some nice DK socks. I fully intend for those socks to be on the needles first after the Christmas knitting is done. So I made a purchase at The Loopy Ewe, which has just become my most favorite online yarn source. Here’s what I got:


From left to right: Louet Gems sport in Burgandy for my Vintage sock swap buddy, Cherry Tree Hill in the Quarry Hill colorway, Cherry Tree Hill DK in the Country Garden colorway and two skeins of Lorna’s Laces Sport in Black purl. It’s not in the picture but Sheri of the Loopy Ewe is just so super sweet…she included a sample of Soak Wash, that helps knitters clean their socks, worry free. 😀 😀 THANK YOU SHERI!! 😀 😀

I also got another purchase from Yarn Country of three skeins of Malabrigo Lace in the voiletas colorway for my grandmother. I will be making her a shawl for her birthday. I’m still determining pattern and needlesize so those decisions will probably be made during the Christmas break.

And speaking of Christmas knitting, here’s one sock complete of Courtney’s socks


They’re super comfy. I really hope she likes them. I casted on the second sock today on the metro. I’ve often heard of the Second Sock Syndrome: (SSS) This is an affliction that prevents the victim from knitting the second sock of a pair. I’m very proud to say that I have yet to experience it. If anything, when I graft the toes together of the first sock, I’m so excited to get the pair completed that I feel the second sock gets completed faster than the first. HOORAY! <img src=”; alt=”


  1. Nice haul! I’ve actually never knit a pair of non-fingering weight socks, but it definitely seems like a good idea. Almost instant gratification!

  2. oh i LURRVEEEE CTH supersock! it’s my favorite sock yarn to date!

    and yes, the spears….sheesh! i don’t even know where to begin 🙂

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